Info & Advice

Photo © Ray Hamilton

Survey & Monitoring

Make the Adder Count

Welcome to Make the Adder Count 2024. Started in 2005, this long-running survey aims to encourage springtime counts of adders, with the objectives of informing local conservation projects/interests and gathering a long-term surveillance dataset.

Make the Adder Count encourages experienced observers to gather data in a standardised way (by making at least three and, ideally, five or six counts of adult snakes basking after emergence from hibernation) so that information may be pooled to build a picture of trends in adder populations nationally.

The project is being co-ordinated by ARGUK. To take part please contact Angela Julian at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

pdf Adders in Cheshire by Andy Harmer Popular


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Adders in Cheshire.pdf

The latest article from CAN's Andy Harmer reviewing the situation surrounding the status of the adder in Cheshire.

  • The Records
  • Historical status of Adder
  • Current Status
  • The Future for Adder in Cheshire

pdf Amphibians in Drains Project 2012 - Perth and Kinross ranger service Popular


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Amphibians in Drains Project 2012 - report.pdf


pdf Great Crested Newt Surveys - Emer Bog Hampshire Popular


Download (pdf, 338 KB)

GCN Surveys 2012 (2).pdf

pdf HARG Annual Herpetofauna Report 2011 Popular


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HARG Annual Report 2011.pdf

Amphibian and Reptile Records 2000-2010
This is a summary of records dated 2000 – 2010 submitted to the HARG county recorder. There are more records pre-dating this and we are still receiving records for within this time period, therefore this is by no means a definitive record but gives a good indication of distribution and recorder effort

In total 11,101 records were submitted. It highlights areas were future survey could be focused to ensure representative coverage of the whole county.

pdf Make the Adder Count Pilot Survey 2005 Popular


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Make the Adder Count is a survey co-ordinated by The Amphibian and Reptile Conservation. Following a successful pilot project in 2005, we plan to turn it into a long-term national surveillance programme, collating data from many sites, to monitor trends in adder populations.

pdf Million Ponds Project Year Two Report Popular


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MPP-Year2-Report (1).pdf

The ARG network is a partner in the Million Ponds Project - here is the report on the second year of this important project

pdf NARRS Report 2007 - 2009 Popular


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Interim results of the UK National Amphibian and Reptile Recording Scheme Widespread Species Surveys

pdf National survey of Batrachochytrium Dendrobatidis infection in UK amphibians Popular


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written by Andrew A. Cunningham and Peter Minting, 2008.

  • Introduction
  • Project aims
  • Methods
  • Results and discussion
  • Summary of main findings and conclusions
  • Acknowledgements
  • References

pdf Reptile Atlas of North-East England 2016 Popular


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North East England Reptile Atlas 2016.pdf


pdf The Big Swab 2011 Survey Protocol Popular


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Survey protocol.pdf

The protocol this year has been slightly updated from that used in 2008 (based on results, feedback and lessons learnt in 2008).

  • 30 amphibians to be sampled per site (can be a mix of species)
  • Single survey between March and June (you can start as soon as you haveyour swab packs).
  • All samples collected on a single day/evening to avoid resampling.
  • No frogs!
  • No tadpoles! (post metamorphic animals only please)
  • Capture from the water (i.e. not migrating toads en route to the breedingponds)
  • Avoid contamination between animals

pdf The role of road traffic in the near extinction of Common Toads (Bufo bufo) in Ramsey and Bury Popular


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Cooke 2011 Toadmortality.pdf

Arnold Cooke(2011) The role of road traffic in the near extinction of Common Toads
(Bufo bufo) in Ramsey and Bury, Nature in Cambridgeshire 53, 45-50 (2011)

document Toadsize 2013 results Popular


Download (pptx, 1.87 MB)

Toadsize 2013 results for web-site.pptx

spreadsheet Toadsize 2015 Recording form in excel Popular


Download (xls, 26 KB)

ToadSize 2015 recording form in excel.xls

pdf Toadsize 2015 Recording form in pdf Popular


Download (pdf, 981 KB)

ToadSize Form 2015.pdf

spreadsheet Toadsize recording 2016 in excel Popular


Download (xls, 26 KB)

ToadSize 2016 recording form in excel (2015_08_14 08_33_00 UTC).xls

pdf Toadsize recording form in 2016 Popular


Download (pdf, 1001 KB)

Toadsize Recording form 2016.pdf