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Photo © Ray Hamilton

Herpetofauna County Atlas

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North East England Amphibian Atlas 2016.pdf

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Amphibians and Reptiles in Leicestershire and Rutland -A Review, by Andrew Heaton.pdf

Amphibians and Reptiles in Leicestershire and Rutland: A Review (2018) 

by Andrew Heaton, County Recorder for Amphibians and Reptiles, LARN

The LARN (Leicestershire & Rutland, Amphibian and Reptile Network) network have been working in partnership with those with an interest and enthusiasm for the amphibians and reptiles of the two counties, to produce a review of the distribution and status of the herpetofauna of Vice-County 55. We intend that the basic data gathered can be used in various different ways: to provide conservation evidence, particularly when engaging with development  or other land use changes; and also as a record of the evolving conservation scene of the last two decades, with its various changes of approach (Red Data Books, Biodiversity Action Plans, Living Landscapes, etc), which are essentially recycling the same conservation advice under different labels depending on the current vogue.

However, we are pleased to report that we have also been able to step beyond the limitations of putting ‘dots on maps’, and look at other aspects of our local herpetofauna. This includes considering [anecdotal] early views of our herpetofauna (usually rather rude and pessimistic); identifying important habitats for herpetofauna in the two counties, and advising on management issues. We also consider interactions of our amphibians and reptiles with other species, be they disease, parasites and/or predators, which has led to some interesting stories about headless grass snakes, the revolting life cycle of the Toadfly, and gull predation around refuse disposal sites. Other interesting issues include the strange case of the pythons which continue to appear in Leicester's waterways, and the invasion of a Hinckley house by toadlets! We have even considered the place of herpetofauna in our cultural heritage, with reference to Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, carved stone toads on Ashby de la Zouch parish church, Frog place names and the wonders of Loughborough's Ladybird Books.

 Please feel free to download, read, enjoy and use this document to conserve our native amphibians and reptiles in Leicestershire and Rutland.

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Atlas of Amphibians & Reptiles of Warwickshire 2019.pdf

WART is a voluntary group that works in partnership with the Warwickshire Wildlife Trust (WWT) and is affiliated to the Amphibian and Reptile Groups of the UK (ARG UK). Records of amphibians and reptiles are mainly collected throughout Warwickshire, Coventry and Solihull and shared with the Warwickshire Biological Records Centre (WBRC) but the aim of WART is to cover the wider Vice County 38, including the surrounding area of Sutton Coldfield which is found within the administrative area of Birmingham. WART members carry out amphibian and reptile surveys, create and maintain amphibian and reptile habitat including the WART reserve in Kenilworth Common, participate in public events (e.g. Coventry Godiva Festival), rescue amphibians in roads and drains during the breeding and post-breeding sea- sons and install amphibian ladders in road drains.

pdf Suffolk Amphibian and Reptile Atlas (Provisional) Popular


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Written by Martin Sanford and John Baker, 2007.

  • Introduction
  • How you can help
  • Contacts
  • Great Crested Newt
  • Smooth Newt
  • Common Toad
  • Natterjack Toad
  • Common Frog
  • Green Frog
  • Common Lizard
  • Slow-Worm
  • Grass Snake
  • Adder
  • All species

pdf The Herpetofauna of Wiltshire, March 2018 Popular


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The Herpetofauna of Wiltshire, March 2018.pdf

In a county dominated by, and typically associated with, chalk downland and farmland, it is sometimes easy to overlook other habitats and their species. I’ve certainly raised this issue with regards to the woodland bats and dormice of Wiltshire during preparation of the Wiltshire Mammal Atlas1 but what of our wildlife in parks and gardens; the hedgehogs, the frogs and slow worms? Wiltshire’s gardens provide a rich habitat for a range of wildlife and improving our understanding of these species is an urgent priority.

Reptiles and amphibians are in urgent need of some profile-raising and conservation effort in Wiltshire, for although the county’s great crested newt populations are well-known (and bemoaned by some!) our other species are often overlooked. This atlas was borne from the success of the recently-published Mammals in Wiltshire (2nd Ed) which successfully stimulated increased and improved recording of a range of mammal and bat species across the county and improved the flow of data to WSBRC. Improved recording and data flow to WSBRC benefits the wider environmental community by increasing the availability of data used to inform planning processes, policy development, land management, agri-environment schemes and so much more.
Our hope in publishing this, the first review and atlas of Wiltshire’s amphibians and reptiles, is that we can stimulate recording and promote the importance of these species. And hopefully we can review, update and publish a second edition in the near future!

Some species are known to be widespread in the county (such as great crested newt and common toad) but many others are remarkable by their apparent scarcity. Are palmate newts really so scarce in the county or are they simply overlooked? Are there significant populations awaiting discovery? Adder populations and distributions are poorly known in the county with almost no sites being regularly monitored for this species (Wiltshire Wildlife Trust reserves in the north and south of the county leading upon such monitoring). Are Adders really absent from the Salisbury Plain training area, a huge expanse of other suitable habitat? Smooth snake and sand lizard have not been reliably recorded in the county in many decades – are there relic populations remaining on the fringe of the New Forest awaiting discovery or perhaps already being monitored?
It’s easy to fixate upon the rare and infrequently-encountered but Wiltshire’s importance will be for the extent of habitat for the common and widespread species. And so, I return to urban parks and ponds. Improved recording of wildlife, truly upon our doorsteps, in our gardens is perhaps our greatest priority to improve the recording of all species using these habitats across the county. These are our most accessible species in our most accessible habitats. By contributing 10 minutes of your time, explore the hidden world of the garden pond at night; the frogs, newts, the foraging hedgehogs and the hunting bats. And help us promote and safeguard Wiltshire’s wildlife-rich landscapes, habitats and species. Come on, join in.