Info & Advice

Photo © Ray Hamilton

GCN Licensing Reform

pdf 2017 11 16 NE Statement on District Level Licensing options Popular


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2017 11 16 NE Statement on District Level Licensing options.pdf

document Agenda and handout for commercial workshop 17.03.17.docx Popular


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Agenda and handout for commercial workshop 17.03.17.docx

pdf ARG UK position statement on GCN license reformJanuary 2017 final Popular


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Outcome 2 - ARG UK position statement on GCN license reforms January 2017 - final.pdf

document Commercial meeting 170317.ppt Popular


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Commercial meeting 170317.ppt

pdf District licensing for GCN 1 page briefing internal and external.pdf Popular


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District licensing for GCN 1 page briefing internal and external.pdf

document GCN presentation NE meeting 020317 Popular


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GCN presentation NE_meeting 020317 updated June 2017 (1).ppt

pdf HWC GCN district level licensing 120217 - author Rob Cameron, Natural England Popular


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HWC GCN district level licensing 120217.pdf

document Natural England letter to LPAs re GCN DLL Nov 2017.docx Popular


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Natural England letter to LPAs re GCN DLL Nov 2017.docx

pdf NatureSpace partnership - district licensing for great crested newts Popular


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NatureSpace partnership.pdf

pdf NE GCN DLL Guidance March19 Popular


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NE GCN_DLL_Guidance_March19.pdf

Guidance for works carried out under great crested newt district level licensing Introduction This annex contains guidance for developers acting under a GCN District Level Licence (‘the Licence’) authorising activities affecting great crested newts Triturus cristatus (GCN), a European Protected Species, which would otherwise be unlawful. Compliance with this guidance is not a requirement or condition of the Licence and is not mandatory. The Licence permits acts, subject to licence conditions, including killing, injury, disturbance, capture and transport of GCN, as well as damage and destruction of their breeding sites and resting places. Impacts of development progressing under the Licence are being fully compensated for by off-site habitat provision that is being paid for by the developer and for this reason the Licence does not specifically require any on-site avoidance or mitigation measures to be undertaken. However, where desirable, reasonable measures can be undertaken to minimise suffering to any GCN which may be present within or immediately adjacent to the development footprint. This document is specific to GCN and is only applicable to works proceeding under the Licence. It is important to note there may be other ecological considerations in relation to site works, including the measures identified within this document, for example those relating to other protected or priority species, habitats or designated sites.