About us

Photo © Paul Hudson

ARG UK is a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO) registered with the Charity Commission of England and Wales with charity Number 1165504. The objectives of the charity are to conserve the UK’s native amphibian and reptiles and their environment by promoting and supporting a network of independent, volunteer-led Amphibian and Reptile Groups (ARGs). To find out more about us you can pdf download our constitution here (320 KB) . There are over 40 active ARGs based in England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland and the Channel Isles, with a combined membership of approximately 5,000 volunteers.

ARG UK does this by:

  • Providing public liability insurance for ARGs.
  • Providing free websites for new groups in the UK
  • Supporting and helping to organise regional conferences and the annual national conference(the Herpetofauna Workers' Meeting).
  • Publishing advice notes on topics related to the conservation of amphibians and reptiles.
  • Managing the ARG UK 100% Fund, which provides up to £250 for ARGs to carry out practical projects for the benefit of amphibian and reptile conservation.
  • Provide online recording through 'the Record Pool' to help capture herpetofauna data from across the UK

Administration of the ARG UK network is carried out by the CIO trustees, various executive posts, and volunteer representatives from local ARGs across the UK. Trustees are elected every year at the AGM.

To find out more about your local ARG go to the local groups page of our website. Here you will find contact details for your nearest amphibian and reptile group. Many ARGs also have their own web-sites, where you can find out more about the work they do, in your locality, and details of events that you can join in with.

Find out more about us by reading our most recent 2022-23 annual review and financial statements - pdf downloadable here (258 KB)