Info & Advice

Photo © Ray Hamilton

ARG UK Forms and Procedures

Documents for local ARG groups and volunteers, including application forms, risk assessments, etc.

Safeguarding protocols

Amphibian & Reptile Groups of UK (ARG UK) is a registered charity (number 1165504) committed to the conservation of native amphibians and reptiles and their natural environment by supporting the development of a network of independent volunteer amphibian and reptile groups (ARGs). As part of that focus, we organise and participate in educational and outreach activities for the benefit of our volunteers, conservation partners and the wider public and to promote the conservation of our native species. This includes outreach with schools and youth groups, with community groups that may include vulnerable and protected adults; and with the wider public at events and training days, run by us, and that we attend as part of our community outreach programme.

Our safeguarding policy applies equally to our volunteers and members of the wider public attending our events, activities and training days. We want all of our volunteers including children and vulnerable and protected adults to enjoy their involvement with ARG UK and its affiliated groups. To engender this we commit to operating safely, with safeguarding as the top priority, and to act and be seen to act appropriately at all times.

document 100% Fund Application Form 2024


Download (doc, 213 KB)

100% Fund Application Form 2024.doc

pdf 100% Fund Flyer Popular


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ARG UK 100% Fund flyer.pdf

  • Applications are accepted on a rolling basis.
  • The maximum award is usually £250.
  • Projects that include funding from other sources or involve partnership working are looked upon favourably.
  • Costs supported include purchase/hire of equipment or payment of contractors' fees for practical work.
  • The fund does not support administration or training costs or survey work.
  • The application form is available from the ARG UK website

pdf 2016 02 06 CIO Constitution of ARG UK.pdf Popular


Download (pdf, 320 KB)

2016 02 06 CIO Constitution of ARG UK.pdf

Governing constitution for Amphibian and Reptile Groups of UK, registered charity (number 1165504), incorporated on 6 February 2016

pdf ARG UK Safeguarding Protocols and Responses Jan 2020.pdf Popular


Download (pdf, 188 KB)

ARG UK Safeguarding Protocols and Responses Jan 2020.pdf

Amphibian & Reptile Groups of UK (ARG UK) is a registered charity (number 1165504) committed to the conservation of native amphibians and reptiles and their natural environment by supporting the development of a network of independent volunteer amphibian and reptile groups (ARGs). Our safeguarding protocols apply equally to our staff, trustees, volunteers and members of the wider public attending our events, activities and training days. We want all of our members and volunteers including children and vulnerable and protected adults to enjoy their involvement with ARG UK and its affiliated groups. To engender this we commit to operating safely, with safeguarding as the top priority, and to act and be seen to act appropriately at all times.

document ARGUK Affiliation Form 2019.docx Popular


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ARGUK Affiliation Form 2019.docx

Please fill out this form to affiliate your volunteer amphibian and reptile group to ARG UK

document ARGUK loneworking procedures February 2022 Popular


Download (docx, 62 KB)

ARGUK loneworking procedures February 2022.docx

Protocols and a form for lone working

document Model ARG Constitution 2019.docx Popular


Download (docx, 26 KB)

Model ARG Constitution 2019.docx

Constitution to be adapted and adopted by independent volunteer amphibian and reptile groups at an initial committee meeting