Info & Advice

Photo © Ray Hamilton


ARGWEB – a new toolkit tailor-made for our affiliated volunteer Amphibian and Reptile Groups (ARGS). ARGWEB  was originally set up by our Surrey group (SARG) to provide a suit of online tools (apps) to manage their membership and other stakeholders including land managers and project partners in a GDPR compliant manner. Now that it is tried and tested, we have made the system available to other groups and to date over 30 ARGs have adopted it. As well as membership, ARGWEB also supports site-based amphibian and reptile surveys to allow for site monitoring, and in 2019 we have introduced a toad patrol app, to enable patrollers to more easily collate amphibian numbers and patrollers’ effort.  By enabling site managers and other partners, including ARC and Froglife to access data for their sites in real time it also provides a tool for site management.

pdf ARGWEB Pond Survey Recording Guide author HIWARG Popular


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ARG WEB Pond Survey Recording Guide author HIWARG.pdf

A guide to using the pond survey function on ARGWEB

pdf ARGWEB Reptile Transect Survey Guide author HIWARG Popular


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ARG WEB Reptile Transect Survey Guide author HIWARG.pdf

A guide to using the reptile transect survey function on ARGWEB

pdf ARGWEB Toad Crossing Data Module author HIWARG Popular


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ARGWEB Toad Crossing Data Module author HIWARG.pdf

A guide to using the Toad Crossing function on ARGWEB