Presentations from Vanishing Viper, October 2016

Folder Presentations from Vanishing Viper, October 2016

Presentations from The Vanishing Viper: Priorities for Adder Conservation, national adder meeting held in Draycott, Somerset on 8-9th October 2016.



pdf Abstracts - The Vanishing Viper - Presentations and Workshops on 8-9 October.pdf Popular

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Abstracts - The Vanishing Viper - Presentations and Workshops on 8-9 October.pdf

pdf Alex Cruickshank - Managing common land for adders - experiences from Greenham Common and beyond.pdf Popular

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Alex Cruickshank - Managing common land for adders - experiences from Greenham Common and beyond.pdf

pdf Caledonian Conservation Freasdail Wind Farm Grid Connection.pdf Popular

By 2392 downloads

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Caledonian Conservation Freasdail Wind Farm Grid Connection.pdf

pdf Chris Monk - Impact of cattle grazing on adders in the peak district.pdf Popular

By 2620 downloads

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Chris Monk - Impact of cattle grazing on adders in the peak district.pdf

pdf Chris Monk - Land management in the English uplands and the consequences for adders.pdf Popular

By 2885 downloads

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Chris Monk - Land management in the English uplands and the consequences for adders.pdf

pdf Chris Slack - Hounslow Heath Management 2000-2016.pdf Popular

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Chris Slack Adder presentation Hounslow Heath Mangament 200-2016.pdf

pdf Darryn Nash - The spatial ecology of translocated adders.pdf Popular

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D.Nash - The spatial ecology of translocated adders.pdf

pdf Gareth Matthes - Adders at Hounslow Heath.pdf Popular

By 3665 downloads

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Gareth Matthes - Adders at Hounslow Heath.pdf

pdf Griffiths and Harding - IUCN guidelines for translocating adders.pdf Popular

By 1416 downloads

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Griffiths and Harding - IUCN guidelines for translocating adders.pdf

pdf Griffiths and Harding - IUCN guidelines for translocating adders.pdf Popular

By 1376 downloads

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Griffiths and Harding - IUCN guidelines for translocating adders.pdf

pdf Harding & Griffiths - adder translocations.pdf Popular

By 1653 downloads

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Harding & Griffiths - adder translocations.pdf

pdf Harding and Griffiths IUCN guidelines for translocating adders Popular

By 1568 downloads

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Griffiths and Harding - IUCN guidelines for translocating adders.pdf

pdf Iain Porter - Competing Priorities - Managing Quantock for all.pdf Popular

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Iain Porter - Competing Priorities - Managing Quantock for all - compressed.pdf

pdf Jan Clemons How did adders become extinct in Warwickshire Popular

By 3561 downloads

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Jan Clemons - How did adders become extinct in Warwickshire.pdf

pdf Jim Foster - Strategic Challenges and solutions for adder conservation Popular

By 2012 downloads

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Jim Foster - Strategic challenges - adders - JF - Viper meeting Oct 2016.pdf

pdf John Baker - National status and trends of adder in Britain Popular

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John Baker - National status and trends of adder in Britain.pdf

document John Cranfield - Mitigation for Adder Popular

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John Cranfield - Mitigation for Adder.pdf.ppt

pdf Liz Howe Y Wiber Diflannu, The Vanishing Viper Priorities Popular

By 1998 downloads

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Liz Howe Y Wiber Diflannu, The Vanishing Viper Priorities.pdf

pdf Paul Edgar - Site protection, regulation and policy in England Popular

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Paul Edgar - Site protection, regularion and policy in England.pdf

pdf Public interactions with adders - Vanishing Viper workshop 8 October 2016.pdf Popular

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Public interactions with adders - Vanishing Viper workshop 8 October 2016.pdf

pdf Richard Griffiths - Vanishing Viper Workshop outline and summing up.pdf Popular

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Richard Griffiths - Workshop outline and summing up.pdf

pdf Rick Hodges Long term monitoring Popular

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Rick Hodges - Long-term monitoring.pdf

pdf Rob Parry - Challenges of managing nature reserves for adders (compressed).pdf Popular

By 1868 downloads

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Rob Parry - Challenges of managing nature reserves for adders (compressed).pdf

pdf Steve Langham How do we turn surveys into an assessment of conservation status Popular

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Steve Langham - How do we turn surveys into an assessment of conservation status.pdf

pdf Tony Gent Adder protection Oct 2016 Popular

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TG Adder protection Oct 2016 website version std.pdf