Scientific & Technical Reports

Folder Scientific & Technical Reports


Folder Presentations from Vanishing Viper, October 2016

Presentations from The Vanishing Viper: Priorities for Adder Conservation, national adder meeting held in Draycott, Somerset on 8-9th October 2016.

Folder Vanishing Viper 2019: A European approach to developing an adder conservation strategy

Vanishing Viper 2019: A European approach to developing an adder conservation strategy, University of Bangor, 8-9 June 2019


Vanishing Viper 2019’ was organised in the wake of continuing evidence for declines in British populations of the northern viper or adder (Vipera berus).  The meeting included participants from other European countries, whose insights suggest that the drivers of adder declines in mainland Europe are similar to those in Britain.  Consequently, we stand to benefit from their knowledge and experience.  It was concluded that if adder declines continue at the present pace, then Britain may be left with a few large, flourishing populations, but that many of the smaller populations will be lost as appears to have happened in Belgium, France, Germany and The Netherlands.  The meeting considered a range of conservation actions including improvements to habitat management, the creation of adder ‘ARKs’, population restoration by genetic or demographic enhancements, community level promotion and outreach, and opportunities for new policy-driven environmental schemes.


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Amphibian-disease-alert_- B sal_June-2015.pdf


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Cunningham_Bsal UK survey_Sci Rep_2019.pdf

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HGBI Guidance on Consultancy.pdf

Published by Herpetofauna Groups of Britain and Ireland (HGBI)

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Download (docx, 37 KB)

District Level Licensing for Great Crested Newts in Kent - KRAG Position Statement February 2019.docx

pdf Environmental Stewardship Options to Benefit Reptiles Popular

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Advisory leaflet and poster produced by Amphibian and Reptile Conservation to assist those involved in Environmental Stewardship.  The leaflet provides summary information about reptiles and habitat requirements and suggests Enviromental Stewardship options that may benefit them.

pdf Evaluating local mitigation/translocation: best practice and lawful standards Popular

By 30261 downloads

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HGBI Best Practice and Lawful Standards.pdf

Published by Herpetofauna Groups of Britain and Ireland (HGBI)

pdf Experience in Great Crested Newt Mitigation: Guidance for Ecologists Popular

By 3943 downloads

A Publication to download from the Nature England Website

pdf Fixing Enkamat to Gully pots – Initial findings in Sussex Popular

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Fixing Enkamat to Gully pots Initial findings in Sussex.pdf


pdf Gardener et al Make the Adder Count - population trends from a citizen science survey of UK adders.pdf Popular

By 2219 downloads

Download (pdf, 2.19 MB)

Gardener et al Make the Adder Count - population trends from a citizen science survey of UK adders.pdf

spreadsheet GCN HSI calculator (ARGUK) Popular

By 27308 downloads

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pdf Great Crested Newt Habitat Management Handbook Popular

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Great Crested Newt
Conservation Handbook
by Tom Langton, Catherine Beckett and Jim Foster

Citation - Langton, T.E.S., Beckett, C.L., and Foster, J.P. (2001), Great Crested Newt Conservation
Handbook, Froglife, Halesworth.

pdf Great crested newts: Educational pond dipping and invertebrate surveys Popular

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What you need to know about licensing if you are pond dipping in a pond where there are great crested newts.  Download from the Natural England Website.

pdf Guidance on references for applicants and referees: Science and Conservation Licensing Popular

By 3910 downloads

Download from the Natural England website.

pdf Gully pots death traps for amphibians, RAVON Report (2012) Popular

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RAVON Report.pdf


default Herpetofauna Workers' Manual Popular

By 6165 downloads

Edited by Tony Gent and Steve Gibson, published by JNCC in 1998 and revised in 2003.  Out of print, so now available only as pdf downloads.  Some of the information is now out of date, but this still contains a lot of useful information for herp workers.


By 5165 downloads

Download (pdf, 1.95 MB)

Kylie Jones - Presentation.pdf

Kylie Jones, NEWWildlife

document NERC KE Amphibian and Reptile Survey Protocols (DRAFT) Popular

By 11809 downloads

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Survey protocols illustrated v 5 December.docx

Draft survey protocols for Amphibian and Reptile surveys for consultation over December 2012. Please download the protocols and then submit comments and suggestions onto the documents and send to Dr David Sewell at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

pdf Reptile Habitat Management Handbook Popular

By 4697 downloads

This handbook is the first attempt to bring together habitat management advice for all native UK reptiles. The half dozen species here have experienced population declines, and are now all Biodiversity Action Plan priorities. The handbook is aimed at site managers, and those who advise on management. It gives advice for a range of settings, from dedicated nature reserves to farmland and includes a useful appendix of Environmental Stewardship options.

Produced by ARC. More information on their website >>

pdf Reptile Slough Genebank Popular

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Reptile Slough Genebank.pdf


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The Vanishing Viper - priorities for adder conservation.pdf

pdf Toads - Advice for Planners Popular

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Common toads and roadsGuidance for planners and highways engineers (England)