The ARG UK is pleased to introduce the Sticky Tongue Project - for a while now these dedicated herpers have brought some amazing photos and films of amphibians and reptiles from their local area of the Netherlands. Their articles feature herpetofauna stories from around the world. It is well worth a read.
The project has recently visited the UK to film British snakes. A variety of different cameras have been used to capture unique footage and photos of many different types of amphibian and reptile. From yellow bellied toads to sand lizards and adders.
A brilliant introduction to the team is this short film of a young smooth snake hunting lizards in the Netherlands. The species is also rare as it is in England.
(warning - this shows animals, in this case young lizards, being eaten)
Volunteers in the UK are planning a future project with the Sticky Tongue Project in 2012 - more details will be released on this in the coming months.
Mini Documentary - Smooth Snake Special
Tadpoles Protect Themselves from Predators by Being a Not-So-Tasty Treat
You can find out more by visiting the Sticky Tongue Project Website