'This is advance notice of a new ARC and ARG UK joint project 'ToadSize 2013' which aims to look at the impact of road traffic on toad populations. We are seeking to test the hypothesis that road mortalities during the spawning season are having a significant impact on toad populations which may be resulting in a greater proportion of smaller (younger) toads, as their life expectancies decrease.
One way of doing this is to ask our toad patrollers to measure male toads during the course of their nightly patrols. If they can measure between 10 and 20 males on each night, then this will give us sufficient data to be able to start to address this question. Ideally we can then repeat the assessment over a number of years, which will also highlight the longer term trends.
I am attaching the flier that describes the project to this e-mail. What we would like you to do, is to contact your local toad patrols and ask them whether they would like to be involved in this project. If folks are interested, then we can send out additional information including the methodology and recording forms. Recorders will be able to return the forms by post, or email, and we are also working towards an on-line recording system through the Record Pool, where you would be able to upload the data as a batch. To truly test the impact of traffic mortalities we need to include a range of crossings: busy and quiet, and all data is very welcome, so please do not feel that your crossing is not going to be suitable.
To register, or find out more about this project you can contact Angela Julian This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or John Wilkinson from ARC at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. We hope to be finalizing the forms in the next few weeks, so please do help us out by getting behind this and speaking to your toad patrollers.'
Angela Julian - ARG UK Secretary
Download ToadSize2013 - flyer