Kids fun fact sheets

Folder Kids fun fact sheets

Kids fun fact sheets

ARG UK is delighted to partner with the artist Mabel Harris ( to create a vibrant new range of fun fact sheets, each containing lots of interesting facts about our native amphibians and reptiles.  These can be downloaded from this section, or we can send you some professionally printed copies. Contact .for more information.

We now have:

  • Alfie adder
  • Selina Slow-worm
  • Gracie grass snake
  • Sam sand lizard
  • Frieda frog
  • Thom common toad
  • Niamh natterjack toad
  • Stan the smooth newt
  • George the great crested newt




Image Alfie Adder fun fact sheet for web high Popular

By 3490 downloads

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Image GEORGE GCN fun fact sheet for web high Popular

By 8818 downloads

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Image GRACIE fun fact sheet for web high Popular

By 4402 downloads

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Image SAMMY fun fact sheet for web high Popular

By 5228 downloads

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Image SELINA fun fact sheet for web high Popular

By 3161 downloads

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