On 25th May 2018 the new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) comes into force. This is not a new legislation, as it builds on the Data Protection Act 1998. Nevertheless, it represents an important challenge for volunteer groups, since there will be greater scrutiny of the way in which we manage personal information after this date. In order to support the ARGs, we have complied a new Advice Note which sets out how the GDPR applies to our volunteer groups and what we need to do to comply with the law.
You can download the advice note here:
pdf ARG UK (2018): ARG UK Advice Note 9: The General Data Protection Regulation (2018) (234 KB)
We appreciate that there is a lot of information in this document, but if you have any questions please do email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and we will be happy to offer advice and support. Our ARG UK Data Protection Officer is our trustee, Steve Langham. He has been exploring ways of helping the ARGs to manage their personal contact data more securely, using an online database based on the successful system already in use by Surrey ARG, which you will be able to access through a web portal. We will be sending out more information about this in the coming months.